halber.ro hosting, external links, operating errors
The halber.ro site is hosted by third-party servers. Trade Trust will not be held responsible for any errors occurring on the site regardless of the reasons for their occurrence, including site changes, settings, or scheduled script updates. Trade Trust will not be held liable for errors occurred due to the use of certain browsers to access halber.ro site. Trade Trust is not responsible for the content, quality or nature of websites linked from halber.ro website. For those sites, full responsibility lies with the owners of the sites in question.

Subscribing and unsubscribing to the newsletter of the site is halber.ro free and voluntary, and implies acceptance of the terms of use presented below. The messages sent are not unsolicited and you can always unsubscribe by following the instructions in the footer of each email. The messages sent comply with the Electronic Commerce law regarding commercial communication as stipulated by Romanian and international legislation.
The use of the newsletter is made under the same conditions of limiting liability in terms of content as the use of the site is authorized, under the conditions provided by this document, and the privacy policy is described in detail in the next section. Trade Trust holds all rights to the content of the newsletter sent to subscribers under the same conditions as for the information published on the site, in accordance with the provisions of this document.

The subscribers of the newsletter may halber.ro resend these commercial communications to other persons, on their own responsibility, and provided that they have not changed either the structure or the content of those messages. Persons who have received commercial messages from newsletter subscribers halber.ro shall be deemed to have been informed in advance by subscribers about the provisions of this article. In this context, Trade Trust cannot be held liable in any way for the actions of its subscribers.

Trade Trust reserves the right to restrict the access of any subscriber to the newsletter if Trade Trust has any reason to believe that the subscriber does not comply with the provisions of this document.

Privacy & Personal data protection
According to the requirements of Law nr. 677/2001 for the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data, amended and supplemented and of Law no. 506/2004 regarding the processing of personal data and the protection of privacy in the electronic communications sector SC TRADE TRUST SRL has the obligation to manage safely and only for the specified purposes, the personal data you provide us about you, a member of your family or another person.

The purpose of data collection is to provide you with services for the sale of our products.
You are obliged to provide the data, which is necessary to contact you in your capacity as a potential client or client. Your refusal makes it impossible for us to contact you. The registered information is intended for use by the operator and is communicated only to the staff of SC TRADE TRUST SRL.
According to Law nr. 677/2001, you benefit from the right of access, intervention on data, the right not to be subject to an individual decision and the right to appeal to justice. At the same time, you have the right to oppose the processing of personal data concerning you and to request the deletion of data. In order to exercise these rights, you may address us with a written, dated and signed request to the email address contact@halber.ro. You are also granted the right to go to court.

If some of your data is incorrect, please inform us as soon as possible to remedy the situation.

User comments
Users accessing the site can halber.ro make comments about the products, which can be published on the site after prior approval. Trade Trust reserves the right not to publish on the site comments with illegal, obscene, threatening, defamatory content, which disturbs in any way the privacy of others, violates intellectual property rights, contains viruses, texts representing mass mails or any other form of spam.

Trade Trust will not bear responsibility nor will it be liable to any compensation for any damages caused by such comments or electronic communications, which are offered under the same limitation of responsibility as the rest of the content on the site, according to the articles in this document. In case of sending information, other than that related to the process of buying and selling products, it is considered that the user grants Trade Trust the non-exclusive, unlimited, free, irrevocable and retransferable right to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, as well as the right to distribute it through any media anywhere.

The user guarantees that he has all the rights over the content he transmits by any means to be published on the site or not, so that, by using this content, he does not cause harm to any other person.

Final provisions and conflicts
Any other problem caused by the products and services presented on the halber.ro and which is not already addressed by any article in this document, will be settled amicably within 30 working days from the date of written notification of the problems by the user.

If the problem encountered is not resolved within a reasonable time (within the maximum period of 30 days), or in a satisfactory manner amicably, jurisdiction lies with the Romanian courts or an alternative dispute resolution body, agreed by both parties. By agreeing to these Terms and Conditions of Use of the halber.ro site, the user fully assumes the consequences arising from the use of the site in these conditions.

The maximum amount of damages that can be paid by the supplier to any customer is the value of the order collected from the customer.